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British PM says James Murdoch has questions to answer On July 23, 2011

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Share this history on : British Prime minister David Cameron says the chairman of News International James Murdoch "clearly" needs to answer questions in Parliament after his evidence on phone hacking was challenged.

Labour MP Tom Watson has asked police to investigate after Mr Murdoch's evidence to MPs was disputed by two ex-News of the World executives.

Mr Murdoch said he was not "aware" of an email suggesting hacking went wider than a single "rogue" reporter.

But former editor Colin Myler and legal manager Tom Crone say they told him.

Mr Murdoch later said he stood by the evidence he gave the culture committee on Tuesday.

Mr Cameron says the government wants to see the issue sorted out.

"Clearly James Murdoch has got questions to answer in Parliament and I'm sure he will do that," he said.

"And clearly News International has got some big issues to deal with and a mess to clear up, that has to be done by the management of that company."

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