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Nine Muses’ Sera crowned as the ‘Angel of Jisan’On August 4, 2011

Thursday, 4 August 2011

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Nine MusesSera has been earning much attention for her spontaneous guitar performance at the ‘Jisan Valley Rock Festival 2011‘.
Representatives of Star Empire revealed, “The Nine Muses members asked to go see their favorite bands, so they went to visit the ‘Jisan Valley Rock Festival’ while on break on July 31st.”

After watching their favorite artists like 10cm and Guckkasten perform, the girls were met with a sudden downpour. While taking a break from watching the concert, Sera took out a guitar that she had brought along and put on a spontaneous performance of Sarah Mclachlan’s “Angel“.
A short video of the performance was put up on their official YouTube and Me2day, thanks to the enthusiastic response it garnered. Star Empire continued, “Sera loves learning how to play instruments, and has been immersing herself in guitar lessons lately. She brought along her guitar to have fun with the other people attending. She must have been in a great mood after seeing her favorite artists perform.”
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